martes, 17 de abril de 2007


How many years will be required for a radioactive material like Uranium to disappear after a reactor explodes like in the terrible nuclear accident occurred in Chernobyl and what are their long-term effects?

Like 1520 million years will be required for Uranium to dissapear on Earth, their effects could be damage in skin, when a baby borns it could bring physic damages, it can develope cancer.

Can a fly or temperature of a corpse help in finding the time of death ?

Yes they can help, because you can use techniques like Newton´s Law of Cooling, and you can put there the temperature to take the time of death, of flies could contribute with information, because depending in the number of flies you find in the room, you can use it of reference to take the time that the murder has happened.

Why a painting of the Dutch painter Vermeer de Delft, titled Christ at Emaus, was withdrawn from the Boymans of Rotterdam Museum in 1945 after a painter named Hans van Meegeren declared publicly that the painting was a forgery? How was it proved that it was really a forgery?

Bacause it was fake, like another more. They proved it with techniques, like the effect of alcohol in the pigments, use of Hypodermic needles to determine the quimic content of the painting, x-rays or infrared to photocopy the linen.

Reflection time

What do you think is the most important thing you learned through this WebQuest?

The use of technology to complete some projects, like morder we wrote, and thanks to this webquest, we learned how to follow instructions from the internet.

Would you recommend the use of a WebQuest to learn Mathematics or some other Science subject?

Yes, I do :)

lunes, 9 de abril de 2007


The last week, I went to Bahia de Lobos and I camped with my family, I built the two tents, and my father built the kitchen and the bathroom, I spend a whole week with my big family from the Felix, we were about 300 family people and there were like 1000 people more that camped there. I met new cousins and I ride all day long motocycles, and I went to the Island of Lobos in a boat were I saw "lobos marinos", I enjoyed the view of the beach, I took out "almejas" and my family ate them, and I tanned myself.

I liked all my vacation without resting, it was cool! :)